The desktop software that you know and love on your favorite devices

Whether you are on your Smart TV, iPad, or Android Tablet, you can use the desktop software that you are comfortable with. Everything you need all on one device.

Get your Shell now


You can use LibreOffice, OnlyOffice, or any document editor of your choice. Regardless, with Shells you get full desktop grade professional document editing in the cloud. These are not Javascript powered apps!


Start calculating with powerful spreadsheet editors with all of the formulas and functionality that you already know!


Create robust presentations. Get all the functionality that you expect from desktop grade presentation editors!


Make complex diagrams or create and edit a PDF. It’s all included with Shells!


Shells LogoMicrosoft Office 365 Logo
Google Docs LogoGoogle Docs
Desktop Grade
Works with Any Format
Only Office
Libre Office
Password Protected Files
Create and Edit PDF
Easy File Management