By Shane Britt (Shells™)December 7th 2020

Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, remote work has become a necessity rather than a choice. But remote work would not be efficient if it were not for cloud technology. Cloud technology allows businesses to relocate their entire IT services remotely. 

Cloud computing is growing as it offers new advantages to enterprises and their employees. Notably, flexibility, cost reduction, accessibility to tools and services, efficient support for collaborative work, and scalability are just a few of the benefits.  

By default, cloud technology promotes remote working. We will look at some of the benefits that cloud technology brings remote working. 


Applications and services on the cloud are accessible from anywhere on the planet, provided that you have an internet connection. It makes it easier for the team to work remotely.

Thanks to permanent access to data and services and real-time data sharing, there is inevitably a gain in productivity.

Also, there is a backup server which immediately takes over in the event of a failure. Thus, access to data is guaranteed, regardless of location or time. Plus, the data is fully centralized. 

Increased Collaboration

When your colleagues can access, edit, and share documents anytime and from anywhere, they can effectively work and perform collectively well. Cloud-based workflows and file-sharing programs help them make real-time updates and provide complete insight into projects. 

Cloud applications are great for remote teams as their objectives are achieved collectively. Also, all information or applications deployed on the cloud architecture are easily accessible 24x7. Employees communicate better, and that leads to higher productivity. With cloud technology, companies can plan, store, monitor projects remotely. 

Cloud services enable everyone to open files, who have access to it, and also allow users to invite other people to work on the same files simultaneously. It considerably simplifies the collaboration between colleagues. Cloud services also often offer fast chat programs as a communication channel, which improves and streamlines communication both externally and internally. 


When it comes to remote work, security is a priority as most communications are digital rather than physical. Most cloud providers have robust security infrastructure. They bring you additional security guarantees such as data encryption and advanced firewalls. What's even great is that cloud providers monitor and update all security points regularly. The storage and the backup of your data are not done locally but on an external server. You no longer have to worry about vulnerabilities in your hardware.

Also, the confidentiality and protection of your data are sensitive points. Most cloud providers must certify that their systems are efficient to protect data.

Cost Reduction 

With cloud technology, you only pay for the resources, infrastructure, and services you use. It means that enterprises do not have to spend money on hardware and software. It reduces high costs for hardware with a subscription-based model where you usually pay per month. It is an excellent perk for companies with a remote team. 

Instead of purchasing expensive hardware and separate software for each team member, the company can rather deploy resources on the cloud. And each member can have full access to it. Also, you no longer have to worry about equipment maintenance or sudden expenses such as device failure. You have complete control of your budget. 

Scalability and Flexibility

One of the key benefits of cloud architecture is that it makes your business infinitely scalable. The needs of enterprises are constantly changing. Cloud solutions adapt to this in real-time. You can quickly allocate more resources or options when needed. 

Cloud technology is ideal for businesses with growing or varying needs. It is easy to scale up capacity if the demand increases, and at the same time, you can scale down when needed. 

Considering the current situation, where the country is going under lockdown and businesses have to allocate more resources to their team. Companies can only achieve this via cloud technology. Plus, the competitive advantage is indisputable. 

With the cloud, your organization is more responsive and more efficient. You can focus on your business expertise without worrying about IT support functions.

These are just a few benefits of cloud technology for remote work. Companies can also significantly reduce their carbon footprint by opting for cloud technology. The cloud is designed to be a sustainable solution with minimal environmental impact. 

Cloud services adapt to your usage and, therefore, only consume the energy that you use. Cloud technology is one of the cornerstones of remote work. Some enterprises are skeptical about it, but the cloud infrastructure offers a multitude of advantages for remote work. 
